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Mario Porcu. Production in terracotta and ceramics

Headline: Mario Porcu
Subtitle: Production in terracotta and ceramics
Author: Edoardo Fresia
Language: Italian
Release date: 2 August 2023
ISBN: 978-88-6057-589-0
Size: cm 16,5×24
Format: paperback binding
Pages: 192
Price: € 28.00

978-88-6057-589-0 , , , , , ,

“Mario Porcu (Villamassargia, CA, 1917 – Savona, 2001), even far from his native country, Sardinia, he never forgot his roots. In the entire production of the artist, it is in fact possible to trace elements deriving from Sardinian nature and popular traditions. The uses and habits of his land were complicit in his love for sculpture. Pig, in fact, had throughout his life, a clear memory of the mother who, on important events, he modeled the bread dough creating figures of stars and animals. The protagonists of Porcù's artistic production are precisely the animals, which he was able to observe during the period spent in the mountains and which are "an element of attraction and love for the land of origin". Giuliano Niccoli defines the animals of Porcù as "the most heartfelt and loved subjects" by the artist, that catches wild boars, goats and mouflons (sacred to the Nuragic civilization), in spontaneous attitudes "in the genuine secret of their existence". […] The animals of his “bestiary”, apparently simple, they end up taking on the value of allegory and present themselves as ancestral and primordial figures, belonging to the past".

From the text by Edoardo Fresia

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 16.5 × 24 cm