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Vanillaedizioni is the publisher of reference for art professionals, culture and design. Young, dynamic, always attentive to the changing needs of readers and customers, Vanillaedizioni stands out for the quality of its contents and for its active presence on the market.


What can we do for you?


High quality and fast execution times are our flagship. The offset production line uses the most advanced instrumentation, with staff always trained and updated, given the constant evolution of the work. The high quality packaging allows the creation of folds, lamination, sewing, paperback and paper printed with a production cycle of the cutting edge. In short, a quality control of all the stages of processing from beginning to end to achieve always the maximum satisfaction, our and our customers'.


It is the quality of the printed speak for us. Our products are a tangible example of an ongoing commitment: work competently, flexibility and capacity. In fact, print remains the heart of all our activities. Passion and experience make villaggiodellacomunicazione ® and vanillaedizioni the ideal partner for those who need to communicate, with the best quality / price ratio.


The workflow preceding the publication of the book has been optimized in every aspect. The entire production cycle is monitored to speed up production and ensure quality control at every stage.


The quality of our printed stems from a deep knowledge of the process of digital image processing and color management throughout the production cycle; including color profiles, the use of high-resolution screen sublimates or stochastic, pigment ink.


The graphic design of the book is designed by graphic designers and art directors in collaboration with clients, artists and curators involved in the publishing project. Layout and proofreading were carried out at the highest levels.


Sempre alla ricerca costante dei migliori sistemi e tecnologie di stampa per le proprie pubblicazioni, le migliori carte sul mercato, progetti grafici di primissima qualità, editing e proofreading all’altezza dei più grandi editori, attenzione e cura nella promozione di ogni singolo volume e nella sua distribuzione: Vanillaedizioni never sits on its laurels and continues its research and evolution to keep up with the times and offer its customers the best solutions and the best possible prices. For this reason, dopo quasi due anni di ricerca e sviluppo, abbiamo lanciato il nuovo progetto delle “edizioni digitali”. E adesso, dalla presentazione ufficiale avvenuta all’Auditorium del Sole24Ore di Milano, lanciamo i nuovi servizi editoriali digitali dedicati all’arte contemporanea e alla promozione degli artisti, delle mostre, of the galleries. With ease and speed, sarà anche possibile stampare poche copie del catalogo su carta con l’opzione “book-on-demand” e avere, anche in mano, questo straordinario oggetto di promozione e di documentazione a condizioni impossibili e impensabili fino a pochi mesi fa. And with the high quality guaranteed by the vanillaedizioni brand. We are therefore talking about digital books paginated by professional graphic designers who are part of the vanillaedizioni staff. Non c’è un template per l’inserimento di immagini e didascalie per ottenere qualche copia stampata a buon prezzo, ma sempre un progetto grafico pensato e sviluppato su ogni singola esigenza, for every single job. The digital books of vanillaedizioni are created and distributed by exploiting the potential of digital, in ogni suo aspetto.

Exhibition catalog or ebook of monographic documentation (ebook a diffusione gratuita)

L’offerta comprende:

  • Progetto grafico e impaginazione (design, graphics, impaginazione, redazione, editing, proofreading) del catalogo
  • Assegnazione di un codice ISBN univoco per la catalogazione mondiale dell’ebook
  • Realizzazione file pdf per la facile diffusione
  • Realizzazione codici html per l’inserimento dell’ebook sfogliabile sul vostro sito
  • Inserimento dell’ebook sfogliabile sul sito vanillaedizioni.com per permettere ai lettori di sfogliare, read, ingrandire ogni singola pagina, stampare e scaricare sul proprio computer o sul proprio tablet o smartphone. E facile condivisione del libro da parte di ogni utente o lettore
  • Realizzazione della pagina del catalogo su facebook, con ebook sfogliabile direttamente dalla pagina stessa e facilità di condivisione con amici, appassionati, collezionisti e addetti ai lavori del mondo dell’arte.
  • Appoggio sui siti internet dei nostri partners per aumentare i contatti e i download, quali ad esempio issuu.com


  • Book on Demand


Or like having a low budget Vanillaedizioni catalog

Cosa significa “Book on demand”?

The book on demand translates into Italian as "on-demand publishing". This is a printing service that provides for the creation of a printed book on order, even for a single copy. This allows the author to have even a few dozen hard copies of his ebook, and the reader to be able to receive the paper version even after having seen and enjoyed the ebook.

How can I opt for the "book on demand"?

Vanillaedizioni, at the time of the request of artists and / or art dealers involved in the creation of every single ebook, also activates the service of "book on demand". This may also occur not upon the withdrawal of the ebook, but later. By activating the book on demand (which includes the purchase of at least twenty copies printed), Vanillaedizioni will assign a unique ISBN code for the printed version and will begin the promotion of the volume itself towards traditional distribution channels (Our site e-commerce, sites of major online bookstores, libraries, Libraries, distributors, etc..)At our expense we will make some copies to have in stock, to immediately respond to market demands.


Il ciclo completo, from design to delivery. Not an editorial platform, but an engine of resonance. This represents villcom, il villaggiodellacomunicazione; un centro di servizi per la realizzazione, promotion and communication of events; a multilevel service able to manage complex communication realities in a simple and effective way. Catalogs, Web to drought, promotional material, but also newsletters, mailing list, invitation list: all the tools to turn an event into a success.


Our communication company is divided into different "districts", each specialized in its specific competence e, at the same time, connected to others, obtaining a team work optimized on the specific needs of the customer. From web marketing services to newsletter management, from advertising campaigns to event management and promotion, from corporate identity to the design and creation of promotional documentation for companies. Each of our services is followed with care and attention by specialized departments.


With the years, we specialize in the cultural and artistic sector. We are, then, able to offer communication services around different types of exhibition events, outlining a coordinated image for the event, with a graphic project created specifically for the client and developed in the form of invitations, brochure, newsletter, catalogs, playbills and posters… But that's not all. Our services expand on different integrated communication plans: creation of websites, drafting and layout of press releases, creation of press kits, dissemination of information to journalists and the press, DEM, web communications, social networking.


Usually, we set up a briefing with the customer in order to gather all the information necessary for the in-depth study of the project. In this way we allow our team to carry out a real tailor-made "marketing consultancy", aimed at optimizing the work and the final product.


Ufficio Stampa

Vanillaedizioni uses its own press office, dedicated to the promotion of his publications on all Italian media. Furthermore, offre una gestione ottimizzata dell’interfaccia con il vostro ufficio stampa, to better coordinate the communication of the event - as well as the publication - and obtain maximum feedback from the various media. To make your work easier, Vanillaedizioni systematically sends to a selection of journalists, editorial and sector and extrasectoral editorials, a series of copies of the volume just edited.

Data sheet

Creation of the technical sheet with all the salient information relating to the volume, with which he will be promoted in bookstores, in museum bookshops and in all distribution channels used by Vanillaedizioni.

General catalogue

The general catalog of all the latest releases is periodically produced and distributed in the trade fairs in which Vanillaedizioni participates, sent to bookstores and directly to the home of all customers who have purchased our books in recent years.

Online promotion

The volume will be automatically posted on the vanillaedizioni.com website where it will be presented with its technical data sheet, the cover and the possibility of direct purchase. But not only: all our partners will insert every single volume in their store. Between these, just to name a few: IBS Internet Book Shop, Amazon, Webster, Dea Store, Mailtrade, Pockwick, BOL Bookstore online ecc.

Vanillaedizioni news

Our publishing house, active in the online sector for several years, realizes periodically (generally every 3 weeks) a newsletter with all the information relating to our editorial news and an in-depth study of their contents.


Vanillaedizioni internally handles the promotion and subsequent book distribution of each single published volume. Per ogni pubblicazione, Vanillaedizioni realizes, a sue spese, una tiratura aggiuntiva rispetto alle copie tirate e consegnate al cliente, intended for distribution in Italian book channels. Vanillaedizioni uses both national distributors, sia di distributori internazionali che, all’occorrenza, possono diffondere capillarmente i nostri volumi in tutto il Mondo.

Main distributor:

Book Co. Italia s.r.l.
Operational and Legal Headquarters
Via Etruria, 2/4/650026 San Casciano V.P. - Florence - Italy
Tel: + 39 055 8228461

Le novità nella distribuzione

There have been so many innovations also in terms of promotion and distribution for Vanillaedizioni in the last two years. The important agreement signed with Amazon Italy allows our titles to be immediately included in the most important online store in the world. A new agreement has been signed with an international distributor who supplies our titles to the libraries of cultural institutions among the most important in the world.. Alcuni esempi? The Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York e The New York Public Library, The Getty Center di Los Angeles, The Art Institute di Chicago, The Library of Congress di Washington, The National Art Library e The Tate Gallery Library di Londra, alla China National Pubblications di Pechino e all’Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art di Parigi. In all these Institutions there are Vanillaedizioni books. We have also started a relationship with the main universities and therefore our qualifications are in consultation and viewing at the Sächsische Landesbibliothek Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek in Dresden in Germany, alla Columbia University Library, alla University of Toronto Library, all’University of Virginia, alla Universitätsbibliothek di Innsbruck, alla Indiana University Library e alla Biblioteca dell’Università Cattolica di Milano, to give some examples. This work, iniziato nel 2010, sarà costantemente ampliato nel corso dei prossimi anni.

Bookshop museali

Il settore dei bookshop museali è nevralgico per la distribuzione dei libri d’arte. Vanillaedizioni has established relationships with the main Italian bookshop managers.


Vanillaedizioni has worked in recent years with many specialized bookstores in the art sector, dando vita ad un vero e proprio circuito. Abbiamo così stabilito rapporti diretti e privilegiati con oltre 300 librerie e bookshop per permettere una prima distribuzione di ciascuna pubblicazione, in modo veloce e diretto.

Distrizuzione online

Il volume sarà inserito automaticamente sul sito internet vanillaedizioni.com dove sarà possibile acquistarlo direttamente. In alternativa lo troverete acquistabile online nei principali bookstore: IBS Internet Book Shop, Amazon, Webster, Dea Store, Mailtrade, Pockwick, BOL Bookstore online, ecc.


Over time, Vanillaedizioni has developed privileged relationships with the main Italian libraries and with the most active and interesting libraries on the national scene.


Vanillaedizioni provides a crowdfunding platform (www.vanillaedizioni.com/crowdfunding) to receive and raise funds for the realization of large and small publishing projects.

Finding finance is difficult. Our platform makes it easier.

The mission of the project is to help artists, curators, associations and gallery owners to find supporters to finance the production of publications, monographs or catalogs of exhibitions and cultural events.
Vanillaedizioni thus supports its interlocutors in the world of art and concretely supports them in the creation of high quality books and publishing products, building specific crowdfunding campaigns for their projects.

How does it work

Vanillaedizioni Crowdfunding Platform is a reward-based crowdfunding system, or a bottom-up financing model that is often assimilated to a pre-order. When the editorial product will be fully funded and made, the supporter will receive not only the product itself but also a reward (for example art multiples, artist's objects, books with dedications or personalizations), as a thank you for your support.

