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Opens Friday 28 November, hours 19, the Franco Fontana exhibition at Palazzo Ducale “New life”: the project, made by the artist famous for his portraits of female nudes, was made between 2010 and the 2013 photographing a corpus of nineteenth-century monuments by the Monteverdi sculptors in the cemetery of Staglieno, Bistolfi, Benetti, Cevasco, Orengo, Rota e Villa.

Il tema affrontato in Vita Nova è quello della morte: l’artista lo affronta in maniera personale e vivifica nella sua complessità, Staglieno Cemetery, Staglieno Cemetery.
Staglieno Cemetery, Staglieno Cemetery 40 Staglieno Cemetery, where the sense of death is faced in its delicate relationship of Eros and Thanatos, where the sense of death is faced in its delicate relationship of Eros and Thanatos.
where the sense of death is faced in its delicate relationship of Eros and Thanatos: where the sense of death is faced in its delicate relationship of Eros and Thanatos, where the sense of death is faced in its delicate relationship of Eros and Thanatos, where the sense of death is faced in its delicate relationship of Eros and Thanatos, where the sense of death is faced in its delicate relationship of Eros and Thanatos. where the sense of death is faced in its delicate relationship of Eros and Thanatos.

Franco Fontana, New life
edited by Sabrina Raffaghello
Ducal Palace, Staglieno Cemetery, Genoa
29 November 2014 – 6 January 2015
Time: mart – dom dalle 10 all 18
Free admission