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Pierluigi Lanzillotta
Pierluigi Lanzillotta from Modena

How your way of working has changed?
My way of working has actually changed little, simply by having more time I am able to oscillate more between the two/three techniques I prefer, looking for the perfect mix between them that perhaps, chi sa, one day it will come.
I am happy to have more time and I am grateful for this break from a situation that on a global level has been unsustainable for me for years, but obviously I can't help but feel sad to see more suffering added to suffering, then multiplying exponentially across all media like the virus itself which therefore does not only infect the lungs of those who are genetically weaker, but also and above all the minds of those who have no filters against the depressive and privative power of the vast majority of media channels. (see Brocelandia, series of works from a few years ago).

What you're missing? Your personal experience of "absence" and "lack".
There are many things that are missing, but beyond hugs, to the bicycle, playing drums and all projects, the thing I miss most is the fact that I wasn't able to say a final goodbye to my grandfather who, ill for several months, he was unfortunately in a retirement home, so when they ordered the closure of the CRA I couldn't do anything but wait, and after three weeks without being able to see each other he left us, like many others he died in total solitude. And in all of this we are aware of the fact that there are those who have gone through and are going through worse.

We are dealing with a new time and space. What are you discovering or rediscovering about yourself?
Having more flexibility in managing your day, I can practice yoga more often and this brings with it various benefits, both mental and physical, it also allows me to concentrate better during the hours of painting/drawing, lightening the weight of this suspended daily life a little, ensuring better focus on my goals and techniques, in the constant search for artistic and human evolution.
I just hope I don't overdo it with meditation because it's addictive and I've never practiced it so assiduously as I have in recent months., and the more time passes the more I realize that it allows for a true detachment from matter, which could increase the gap between me and those who do not feel so strongly the change that has already been taking place for years on multiple levels of existence.
Some equilibria are found, especially with regards to reading which previously had a more limited window of time in my typical week and I can finally finish that biography of Frank Lloyd Wright that I've been waiting for for a long time, with the hope that more and more people among the powerful of the Earth will follow some of its guidelines (I believe that one of the reasons why we find ourselves in this quagmire of viruses and media out of control is also because of past choices that have purposely avoided his studies in the crucial years of development of the "machine").
A feeling that has pervaded me for several years is certainly becoming more acute in me, that is, the consciousness deriving from the feeling of belonging to a larger and more manifest biopsychic entity: the Earth in its entirety of biodiversity as a single being.
Sometimes I feel like I'm older than I felt before, but I don't consider it in a negative sense, perhaps the more appropriate term would be "wiser", at least I hope, It's not for me to judge.

When all this is over: one thing to do and one never to do again.
When all this ends I'll go to the station by bike, I'll put her on a train and go for a ride near a lake or a river and I won't smoke a cigarette anymore. 18.30, I actually already deleted this about a month ago.

To date, what have been the immediate consequences of the spread of Covid-19 on your work for you and what do you think the long-term consequences may be?
The immediate consequences manifested themselves in the form of deprivation, social, aggregative and economic. Deprived of the possibility of expressing myself through the exhibitions that were immediately cancelled, through the concerts which were also canceled with the resulting loneliness and therefore also the lost wages, then since I work at school in the morning as an educator of disabled children, that daily life that has been hard built over the years and made up of total sharing has disappeared, Hugs, Arteam Cultural Association, I smiled, traveling by bicycle with music in your ears, Chatter, open air, friends, colleagues, without apocalyptic mental shadows.

Pierluigi Lanzillotta
was born in Modena in 1982 is in the 2003 he obtained a diploma from the University of Reggio Emilia. “Lanzillotta's artistic production is characterized by a certain linguistic transversality. […] there is something that manifests itself in a repetitive way: it seems that his works suggest paths to identify the material deposited in the unconscious and make it become collective heritage.” (Fulvio Chimento, 2019). They remember the Biennial of Europe and the Mediterranean (Bari, 2008), Young European Creation (Paris, 2009), finalist to Zingarelli Award (Siena, 2012, edited by Simona Gavioli), C9 Land (Rubiera, 2016, edited by Francesca Baboni and Stefano Taddei) and Meditation Surface Tetrahedron (Castelnuovo R., 2020, permanent environmental installation in collaboration with REFIN Ceramiche and the Municipality of Castelnuovo).