
Cristiano Carotti. The whole is more than the sum of its parts

Headline: Cristiano Carotti. The whole is more than the sum of its parts
Artist: Cristiano Carotti
Texts: Eleonora Aloise, Chiara Garlanda, Carlo Maria Lolli Ghetti
Language: Italian
Release date: 19 November 2021
ISBN: 978-88-6057-517-3
Size: cm 16,5×24
Format: paperback binding
Pages: 96
Price: € 23.00

Meet The Author

Cristiano Carotti (Terni, 1981) investigates the aggregative power of symbols within communities, according to Jung necessary for the construction of a collective consciousness.

Stimulated by René Guénon's texts on a possible erroneous evolution of mankind, studies the mechanisms that led to a progressive detachment from an active knowledge path towards a passive modality.

The research develops around the study of secular and religious iconography, to the historical transformations undergone by symbols in the socio-political sphere, emptied and filled with new meanings often in an instrumental way.

Through painting, ceramics and installation interventions, reworks contemporary archetypes and fetishes with a language in balance between academic anthropology and post-internet aesthetics.

This monographic project, edited by White Noise Gallery, shows the artist's work, not through the images of his works, but through a visual and conceptual "flow of consciousness" that tells and reveals Carotti's creative process, from research to the method underlying his artistic production.

Weight 0.8 kg
Dimensions 16.5 × 24 cm